Editing Your Bio:
Connect with your fans by adding your social media links, your artistic styles with Genres & Moods, where you are from, upload avatar, and any additional information you think would be great to your bio to the About Me field!
Clicking Go Live at the top of the page and then clicking the About tab will show your bio.
Click the edit button on the top right.
In The "About Me" section, add any information you want your fans to know! This can be customized using HTML tags (a, p, i, strong, b, u, ul, ol, li, h1, h2, h3, img, font, and span)
In the "Genres & Moods" section, type in the genres of music you play, the mood of your music, and anything else you would like to add. Saving your bio will translate what you typed into hashtags. These hashtags will show up in the tags tab and are searchable using the search function at the top of Volume.
Adding social media links into the "My Links" section will translate your link into a clickable social media link.
Custom Panels:
Volume Artists can add their own custom panels to their profile, located in the "About" tab while in the Broadcast page.
Customs panels can be used to embed links, logos, flyers, digital QR codes, business cards, your Spotify, SoundCloud and more!
To begin, use the drop down menu to choose Custom Panel and select "Add Panel"
Enter your HTML code as seen below.
Trashcan icon - will delete your Custom Panel.
Floppy disk "Save" icon - is used to save your Custom Panel.
Pencil Icon - is used to edit your HTML code
To simply add a social media link with an icon, find a social media image you like online and add it to your HTML code. Here is an example below. On the left is the code and on the right is the result of that code.
You can reposition custom panels by grabbing the 2 horizontal lines located at the top and center of the panel, as demonstrated below.
Embed Spotify or SoundCloud
Select "Add New Panel" in the drop down menu and choose "Spotify Embed" or "SoundCloud Embed" and enter your html code in the designated window. If you need further instructions on how to find your code, you can go here to learn more about Embedding SoundCloud.
Sample HTML code:
---Volume Logo---
<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1410569010979147778/qmm3G3ns_400x400.jpg">
---Embed Image---
<h1>Enter Custom Message Here</h1>
<img src="https://yourimageurl.com" >
---Embed Image with Link---
<a href="https://google.com">
<img src="https://yourimageurl.com" >